Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Seasonal Changes at the Shop

Fall is here, and we've added some new items to our space at the Shop.

Pumpkins and Chemistry Beakers for Halloween....
just add dry ice...

Vintage Office items....

Lots of grey's and white's with a french flair....


I'm off to deliver an order of hand made pillows and lavender sachets to Nesting on Main in Concord, MA tomorrow.  ( Then I'll head over to The Marketplace at Townsend Harbor to 'fluff' our space there to get ready for this weekends sale. It's the last one until the spring...try not to miss it! ( Friday, Saturday and Sunday) I'll post some pictures tomorrow night of our goodies over there. Check out Michelle's blog for more pics

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Drop me a line, I'd love to hear what you have to say!