Friday, November 4, 2011

Spaulding Cooperage Fall/Winter Open House Invitation friend Michelle (  is participating in Nashua, NH's ARTWALK (  this weekend. Saturday 12-5 and Sunday 12-4, 55 Lake Street Studios. Come see her studio! Light refreshments will be served as well as some live music. There will be items for sale and demonstrations going on at her location.
Stop by to either or both locations if you can.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. I just found your blog through the invitation my mom just received in the mail today! We are hoping to be there!! Cant wait :)
    Being a new homeowner and semi-new blogger Im just starting to get my feet wet in antiquing, and challenging my inner decorator. And of course the camaraderie that comes along with the local stores as well.
    I'm looking forward to next weekend. Thanks for hosting!

  2. Hope your Open House is a huge success. So proud of you.


Drop me a line, I'd love to hear what you have to say!